Invited Talks |
Gender Gap in Natural Language Processing Research: Disparities in Authorship and Citations. Women+@DCS Seminar Series, University of Sheffield, October 28 2020, Sheffield, UK. The Search for Emotions, Creativity, and Fairness in Language. Data Systems Seminar Series, University of Waterloo, October 28 2019, Waterloo, Canada. Fairness and Emotions in Language. The Globe and Mail. October 29, 2019, Toronto, Canada. Hosting the Responsible AI Summit, October 24 2019, Montreal, Canada. Creativity and Emotions in Language. Invited talk and panel on AI and Creativity in Government at the Creative Marketplace Lab on Data, Skills and Technology, Department of Canadian Heritage, September 30 2019, Gatineau, Canada. The Search for Emotions, Creativity, and Fairness in Language. Mila - Quebec AI Institute, August 2019, Montreal, Canada. The Search for Emotions, Creativity, and Fairness in Language. Keynote speech at the 8th KDD Workshop on Issues of Sentiment Discovery and Opinion Mining (WISDOM-2019), August 2019, Anchorage, Alaska. Examining Fairness in Language Through Emotions. Keynote speech at the 2019 Canada--UK Workshop on Practical AI Ethics, March 12, 2019, London, UK. The Search for Emotions, Creativity, and Fairness in Language. The Alan Turing Institute. March 11, 2019. London, UK. Examining Fairness in Language Through Emotions. The 2019 Canada--UK Symposium on Ethics in AI, Feb 21, 2019, Ottawa, Canada. The Search for Emotions, Creativity, and Fairness in Language. Keynote speech at the 6th evaluation campaign EVALITA 2018. December 12, 2018. Turin, Italy. The Search for Emotions, Creativity, and Fairness in Language. Department of Computational Linguistics, Heidelberg University. December 13, 2018. Heidelberg, Germany. The Search for Emotions, Creativity, and Fairness in Language. Invited Speaker Series. Pickering Centre for Human Development, Carleton University. November 16, 2018. Ottawa, Canada. The Search for Emotions, Creativity, and Fairness in Language. Department of Computer Science, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. October 2, 2018. Ann Arbor, Michigan. The Search for Emotions, Creativity, and Fairness in Language. Department of Computer Science, University of Utah. August 6, 2018. Salt Lake City, Utah. The Search for Emotions, Creativity, and Fairness in Language. Keynote speech at the ACL Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Social Media. July 20, 2018. Melbourne, Australia. The Search for Emotions, Creativity, and Fairness in Language. Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne, July 20, 2018. Melbourne, Australia. The Search for Emotions, Creativity, and Fairness in Language. The University of Waikato, Computing & Mathematical Sciences. July 10, 2018. Hamilton, New Zealand. The Search for Emotions in Language. Google Research. May 25, 2018. Montreal, Canada. The Search for Emotions in Language. Featured speaker at the Distinguished Computational Linguistics Lecture at Rochester Institute of Technology. March 1, 2018. Rochester, NY, USA. Finding Emotions in Language. Information Systems Sprott School of Business, Carleton University. November 13, 2017. Ottawa, Canada. Emotion-Aware Machines. Short talk to 9th graders on the occasion of Bring-Your-Ninth-Grader-to-Work Day at the National Research Council Canada. November 1, 2017. Ottawa, Canada. Affect
Associations in Creative Language. Seminar Series
for the Doctorate in Cognitive Informatics at Université
du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), April 13, 2017, Montreal,
Canada. Affect
Associations in Creative Language. Keynote speech at the
COLING 2016 workshop on Computational
Modeling of People's Opinions, Personality, and
Emotions in Social Media (PEOPLES 2016), December
12, 2016, Osaka, Japan. Affect
Associations: The Building Blocks of Sentiment
Analysis. Keynote
speech at the 20th
International Conference on Asian Language Processing
(IALP 2016), November 21-23, 2016, National Cheng
Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan. Affect
Associations in Creative Language. Keynote speech at the 2016
IR Workshop at the Academia Sinica, November 24, 2016,
Taipei, Taiwan. Metaphor as a Medium for Emotion: An Empirical Study. Invited talk at the TAMALE seminar series, September 15, 2016, University of Ottawa. Sentiment and Emotions in Tweets. Department of Geography & Geoinformation Science at George Mason University. May 29, 2016, FairFax, Virginia. |
The Words are Alive: Associations with Sentiment, Emotions, Colours, and Music. Invited talk at Language Technology Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, September 2014, Pittsburgh, PA. |
Evaluative, Emotional, Colourful, Musical! Keynote speech at the ACL 2014 Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment, and Social Media (WASSA), June 27, 2014, Baltimore, MD. |
Analyzing Electoral Tweets for Affect, Style, and Purpose, Saif Mohammad, Xiaodan Zhu, Svetlana Kiritchenko, Joel Martin. |
From Once Upon a Time to Happily Ever After: Tracking Emotions in Books and Mail. |
Crowdsourcing the creation of an emotion lexicon. Saif Mohammad and Peter Turney. |
"Hybrid approaches to semantic closeness and oppositeness", Saif Mohammad and Graeme Hirst. |
"Semantic distance measures with distributional profiles of coarse-grained concepts", Graeme Hirst and Saif Mohammad. |
"Hybrid approaches to semantic closeness and semantic oppositeness", Saif Mohammad and Graeme Hirst. Yahoo! Research, Santa Clara, CA. October 2008. |
"Lexical chains and semantic distance, within and across languages",
Graeme Hirst and Saif Mohammad. Division of Chinese, Nanyang Technological
University, Singapore. April 2008. |
"Semantic distance measures with distributional profiles of coarse-grained concepts", Graeme Hirst and Saif Mohammad. Conference on Processing Text-Technological Resources, University of Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany. March 2008. |
"TTO3 Update: Representational Analysis, Consensus, Utility," Bonnie Dorr, Saif Mohammad, David Yarowsky, and Keith Hall. Human Language Technology Center of Excellence (HLT/COE) Quarterly Technical Exchange, Johns Hopkins HLT/COE, Baltimore, MD. March 2008. |
"Determining Degree of Antonymy: Step 1 for Detecting Erroneous Coreference Links by Contradiction," Saif Mohammad and Bonnie Dorr. Human Language Technology Center of Excellence (HLT/COE) Quarterly Technical Exchange, Johns Hopkins HLT/COE, Baltimore, MD. March 2008. |