System-Description Papers
for the WASSA-2017 Shared Task on Emotion Intensity (EmoInt)
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Part of the 8th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis (WASSA-2017), which is to be held in conjunction with EMNLP-2017. The main task webpage is here. |
Paper: Only, the participants who made a submission on the CodaLab website before May 22, 2017, will be given the opportunity to submit a system-description paper that describes their system, resources used, results, and analysis. This paper will be part of the official WASSA-2017 proceedings.
Submit your system description paper here.
When entering paper details on the submission webpage, make sure to select the Type of Paper as 'Emotion Intensity Shared Task - System Description Paper' from the drop-down list.
The shared task papers will be accepted in a separate category within WASSA. (The regular WASSA papers will be in a different 'Main Workshop' category.) We will likely accept all shared task papers as long as they are written reasonably well. Your system rank and scores will not impact whether the paper is accepted or not. There will be a review process, whose primary goal is to help you improve your paper. Each team submitting to the shared task will be expected to review at least two papers by other teams. You can share the review load among your team members. The workshop paper submission deadline is June 10 June 18, 2017.
Specifications of the system-descriptin paper:
Ans. Here are some key pointers:
WASSA-2017 Shared Task on Emotion Intensity. Saif M. Mohammad and Felipe Bravo-Marquez. In Proceedings of the EMNLP 2017 Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment, and Social Media (WASSA), September 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark.
BibTexThis paper will provide details of the task, summary of data creation, competition results, and a summary of participating submissions. You can avoid repeating details of the task and data in your paper, however, briefly outlining the task and relevant aspects of the data is a good idea. We will try to make a copy of this paper available before the submission deadline.
Below is the authoritative paper on the Tweet Emotion Intensity Dataset (the dataset used in this competition):
Emotion Intensities in Tweets. Saif M. Mohammad and Felipe Bravo-Marquez. In Proceedings of the sixth joint conference on lexical and computational semantics (*Sem), August 2017, Vancouver, Canada.
It may also be helpful to look at some of the papers from past SemEval competitions, e.g., from
My system did not get a good rank. Should I still write a system-description paper?
Ans. We encourage all participants to submit a system description paper. The goal is to record all the approaches that were used and how effective they were. Do not dwell too much on rankings. Focus instead on analysis and the research questions that your system can help address. What has not worked is also useful information.
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